

Attempting to Walk Two Dogs

On Monday Trey had to work later than normal but it was such a pretty day and the dogs had  been couped up all day long, so I attempted to take them on a walk by myself. Sometimes they are wonderful and it isn't too bad, they weren't horrible yesterday but they had been inside (Tyson in a crate) for almost 9 hours, so they were pretty rowdy by the time they got to go outside. There were a ton of squirrels out, so they kept eyeing them but listened when I told them not to go chasing after them and pull me down. They had a great time, but it is definitely easier to walk one per person :)

Vegas saw my shoe and got so excited, she knows what it means. As I bent over to put it on she kept kissing me (notice the wagging tail)

Waiting by the door, please mom, please take us walking! As Tyson whimpers constantly

It would be easier if I had pockets, but I have to carry my iPhone in that case, so I hung it from her leash and then there was also a cord for my headphones running up to my head.

This welcome bear is in someone's yard and Vegas gets so sketched out by it everytime we go by, it's hilarious. She growls at it and gives it an evil look.

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