

My Weekend in NYC

Last weekend I went to visit Allison in New York. It was an adventure filled, fun weekend. Friday night NCSU was playing in the Sweet 16! I landed around dinner time and met Allison at her apartment, then we went to grab a bite to eat and headed to Brother Jimmy's bar to watch the basketball games. The UNC game was on and the bar was full of Carolina Blue - it's an ACC bar so it fills with ACC fans. We had reservations with the Alumni Association for a table to watch the NCSU game but during the UNC game we had to stand in what is probably the most packed bar I have been to in a long time. It was a really fun night and I got to meet her "New York friends" :) We ended up losing the game by only 3 points, so that sucked but I'm still pretty pleased with the way our season turned out.

Saturday we went to breakfast at the diner down the street from her apartment. Then we went on a long walk with Lola along the river, Allison's apartment building is on the upper east side about a block from the river with a nice walking trail along the side.

Looking back toward's the city (that's the FDR highway)

We went shopping that afternoon near the Empire State building, down near where she works. I got a pretty picture of it as the sun was going down that night.

Allison's view in the mornings

We also went to the Museum of Sex while we were out shopping. It isn't dirty or anything, actually pretty interesting about sex in different aspects - in the movies, how it has changed because of the internet, in animal life, etc. I took a picture of the funny sign as we walked in:

That night we grabbed food and took it home for a nice lazy night watching Sex and the City dvds - like we were back in college :)

Sunday we went to Brooklyn to tour the Brooklyn Brewery. It was a fun experience and we bought beer tokens to enjoy a variety of their micro-brewed beers. Interesting fact: they don't bottle at their brewery in Brooklyn, all bottled Brooklyn Brewery beer comes from Utica, so it uses different water meaning that the beers will taste different bottled vs kegged.

On our way back in to Manhattan we stopped by Artichoke Pizza and got a slice of their signature pizza - it tastes like spinach artichoke dip on pizza. I was slightly skeptical because I just didn't feel like the two went together, but it was AMAZING. Seriously probably the best pizza I've ever had. If you are ever in NYC - you have to go there!

We stopped at the Pony Bar on our way home, I had a beer there and got a badge on my Untappd app :) If you enjoy good beer and have a smart phone check it out!

And to top off a great weekend, my flight out of JFK was ON TIME! Even after a slightly rainy day in both cities!

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