

St. Patrick's Day!

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day at the beach with Trey's family! His sister and her boyfriend have been in town visiting so we went down to see everyone. We went out to dinner for his birthday on Friday night.

Saturday morning Trey and I got up early and went for a run with the dogs and then headed down to the beach to let them run around on the beach and play in the water. They had a blast. 

Give me that ball!

Beautiful quiet morning on the beach
 Around lunch time, we headed down to Emerald Isle to celebrate my Irish roots! They have a big St. Patrick's day festival that was a lot of fun. After hanging out there for a while we headed to Trey's aunt & uncle's house for a pig picking and to let the dogs play with his cousin's dogs. Vegas grew up with his cousin's boxer, Bailey, so she is always very excited to see her again.

Me, Bonnie, Sarah & Mandy in EI
 Saturday night we were going to go out and drink a few green beers to celebrate, but we ended up staying at home and enjoyed watching basketball all night!

Sunday we watched NCSU make their way into the sweet 16!! It was an awesome game, all of the tournament games this weekend were pretty exciting - it was a great weekend of basketball watching!

The golf course Sunday morning
 That afternoon was gorgeous - sunny and 75 degrees. We went for another walk to the beach and took Matty this time (Mandy's dog) and they all had a great time playing on the beach again.

Tyson, Vegas, Matty

Matty, Tyson, Vegas

After a fun filled weekend, we had to make our way home Sunday night :( Back to work....


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