

Teriyaki Chicken

We ate another of our freezer meals this week! I got the Teriyaki Chicken out of the freezer Sunday evening and let it thaw in the fridge for the next 24 hours. Monday night I cut open the bag and put it into our crockpot and put that right back in to the fridge. Tuesday morning I put the cold crock pot base into the crock pot and plugged it in before I left for work. It wouldn't really make a difference if the base is cold already or not, but since I leave for work at 6:30, I figured less to do in the morning and then it would need longer to cook would all work out well for me.
Ready to go in the crock pot

It turned out pretty good! I would probably go back and add more carrots to it next time and make the onion slices much bigger - it basically faded away since it cooked all day long!

I heated up one of my bags of pre-cooked rice in the microwave and made an easy meal :)

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