

Weekend Recap: Lots of visitors!

We had a great weekend and lots of visitors :) Trey's sister and her boyfriend drove down from Michigan (they recently got out of the Coast Guard up there and came to NC to visit). They stopped through Raleigh on their way home to the beach. They stayed the night with us so we got to hang out for a while. Tyson got to see his favorite cousin, Matty. He loves her. He was so excited and would not leave her alone. Can't wait to head down there on Friday and let them play again.

Tyson and Matty boxing

Can I  come in?!
Friday night we had tired doggies and took it easy. Look how sweet they snuggle:

Belly rubs are her favorite

So tired

Saturday Trey's cousin Lauren and her husband, David, came to Raleigh to visit. We spent the afternoon watching basketball (ACC Tournament!) with my brother and then Brenna joined in on the fun.

Enjoying the sun Saturday afternoon

I really want to make a bay window seat in the kitchen, it's right where the sun comes in - I think they would love it!
We grilled steaks and chicken and I made macaroni and cheese that I found on pinterest - it was AMAZING! I will post the recipe later this week. We all hung out at the house, played apples to apples and caught up. We intended to go out but never made it, we had enough fun at the house. I have also seen people posting pictures of making eggs or their broom stand up on the ends, supposedly because it is almost the spring equinox so gravity does something special. Well we gave that a try too - it worked!

The end of a long night

Vegas loves Aunt B

Tyson snuggled with Aunt B all night
Sunday morning we all went to breakfast at the farmer's market and then Lauren, David, Trey and I spent the afternoon watching FSU win and shopping! We had dinner Sunday night at Los Tres Magueyes in Brier Creek ~ $1.50 draft beers and good food!

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