

Fun Facts #51-75

51. We went to Busch Gardens in October for their "Hallo-Scream," we have gone a few times and it is a lot of fun!

52. Halloween weekend we went to a 311 show at the new ampitheater in downtown Raleigh. It was awesome!

53. Since working full time, planning a wedding and being in grad school weren't enough to do, we decided to get Vegas a sibling :) We wanted a boy boxer so we searched and searched and this is what we found:

54. My best friend, Christy, and I went to get Tyson on Christmas Eve, while Trey was working. He was not much over 4 pounds and the cutest little baby you have ever seen. He cried for a while on the way home but it got better.

55. He HATED his crate at first and just screamed bloody murder for hours upon hours, so the first night we had him (Christmas Eve) we stayed at my parents and they were already in love with him, they took him out of the crate and he slept with them on the couch.

56. Christmas morning Vegas got a new bed that quickly became a shared new bed. Tyson loved it. It had padded sides and I think it reminded him of laying on the puppy pile. Vegas was a great mommy to him and showed him the ropes. Once we put this bed in the crate, he didn't mind it at all. Vegas loves the crate, and got in there with him, so he adjusted well.

57. We attempted to take dance lessons before the wedding. We went to a few to learn some moves, but didn't want an entire choreographed routine (nor did we want to pay for that). I grew up dancing, and figured that I would be the one who knew what was going on on our wedding day. WRONG. After a pretty stressful morning, by the time we got to our first dance my brain was just fried and I was just so happy to be dancing with my hubby that I basically forgot what we were doing. It went fine, but Trey was totally leading while I'm saying "I don't have a clue what to do!!" He sure does take care of me.

58. The first weekend of March my maid of honor, Christy, and her husband threw us a "Stock the Bar" Shower. We wanted a "couples" type shower, not just a girly shower. It was great. It was basically a party with a few games and present opening. I just love having a reason to get all of our friends together!

59. For Trey's birthday we went to Darlington to the truck race. We drove there, and had seats in the "luxury boxes" aka an indoor building where you are served dinner and drinks. It was a pretty cool experience. We go to go inside the track during the day and back to their garage areas.

60. March, 2011 was a fun-filled month. The next weekend, one of my bridesmaid's, Brenna, and my aunt threw me a bridal shower! My aunt from Philadelphia was able to come down and we had a great group of family and friends there. It was nice to have a "girly" shower. It was a "honeymoon" shower - I got great gifts to prepare me for the beach, we got donations towards adventures on our honeymoon and lots of fun stuff.

61. The last weekend in March we went on our bachelor and bachelorette parties! I headed to Las Vegas with 7 great friends and Trey headed to Myrtle Beach with the guys. We had so much fun in Vegas. We went out to a club until like 3 or 4 in the morning and just danced all night!

62. On Friday, April 15th we headed to Benson, NC to the Preson Woodall House for our weekend adventure. Our wedding weekend was a mini getaway. We rented a house for the girls and a house for the guys of the bridal party, a house for Trey's family and my parents brought their RV!

63. Our rehearsal dinner was more fun than some people's weddings! Great food, drinks, family and best friends - what more do you need? We partied late into the night, I fell asleep at the boy's house (along with other bridesmaids) and woke up a couple hours later realizing I needed to go back home... can't see my future hubby until the wedding!

64. April 16th, 2011 I married my best friend. No sun, no power? No problem! Tornadoes didn't stop us! It was the best night, I truly don't remember ever having that much fun. All of the people we loved in one place, celebrating our love - perfect!!

65. If you have been living under a rock for the past year and didn't know, record breaking tornados swept through the area on April 16th. We lost power around 4:30 and the ceremony was supposed to be at 5:00! The power stayed off for a couple of hours, but the show went on! Here are the blog posts that tell the whole story.

66. We spent our wedding night... at OUR HOUSE! Our hotel downtown didn't have power or running water, so our driver just brought us home! He was very sweet and did offer to find us another hotel, but we said that we had a house on the side of town that wasn't hit as badly, so just take us home! (Plus it was like 1 am at this point)

66. We had brunch the day after at OUR HOUSE! It was supposed to be at Tir Na Nog, downtown, but they still didn't have power! I ran out to the store and grabbed all kinds of foods, and our family came by to hang out. It was a nice perk, our family got to see our (still new to us) house, since some lived far away and hadn't been by yet.

67. We went on a honeymoon to St. Thomas for a week - it was the best week ever. We explored different parts of the island, went sailing, laid on the beach, and were so relaxed by the end of the week, it was so hard to come home.

68. We came home to our typical family Easter celebration. We always celebrate easter with our easter baskets and chocolate candies, we even had an easter egg hunt up until a couple of years ago! This time the big hit was the dog's easter toys and watching them get so excited and so protective over their new toys.

69. Our amazing vet gave us a "wedding present." She neutered Tyson for free! He had a hernia when he was younger, so we were afraid that would be an issue we would have to deal with when he was neutered, and we felt much more comfortable having her do the surgery than PetSmart (we used them for his 1st year because their puppy plan is a great deal for all of their shots, but as a vet I'm not a huge fan... we still went to Dr. Sagris with any major concerns). She is a mobile vet and uses laser techonolgy (only one in the area) so not only was his surgery in our driveway (in her office on wheels) but because of the laser he didn't have to have stitches, aka NO CONE OF SHAME! YAY!

70. On our honeymoon we used some of our wedding gift money to buy each other jewelry gifts. Trey loves to haggle and that's what you do in the Virgin Islands! He got a watch and I got a new band for my diamond that matches my wedding band! We both stared at them for hours :)

71. We have slowly made "improvements" to our house and made it our own! We added built in bookshelves when we first moved in, a shed in the backyard, granite counters in the kitchen, fixed the patio out back (although it needs to be fixed again as we had an irrigation explosion under it!) and many more little projects. It is starting to really be our home now, I can't believe we've been here almost 2 years!

72. This is my 4th year, and counting, at Leesville Road High School! Sometimes the kids drive me nuts, but I love my job :)

73. In June, 2011 Trey started working at the Hasentree Club, in Wake Forest. It is gorgeous. It's not too far away from us but feels like it is out in the country, that's his kind of place. This was a very happy move and he is loving it!

74. In 12 days, it will be our 1 year anniversary!!

75. I guess this has turned in to the "Trey and Christy Story!" And that's about it! Stay tuned tomorrow for the last 25 RANDOM facts about us!

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