

Stir Fry for Dinner!

One of my favorite meals that my personal chef husband makes for dinner is stir fry! We made it for dinner earlier this week and it was amazing! I bought fresh veggies that day and chopped them all up - it was a ton! Trey cooks the meat on the grill, we have found cooking it in the wok makes it tougher and he just loves grilling. Then we cook all the veggies in the wok, cut up the meat and throw it all together in the end. A lot of times Trey even makes his own stir fry sauce, or sometimes I buy it at the store to be quicker and easier. When I buy it, I get the Kikoman brand.

When we made it this week I had SO MANY veggies! We throw it on top of some rice and boom you have a well balanced meal. It was amazing. It was enough for about 6 meals: dinner that night, a delicious lunch the next day and leftovers later in the week!

That makes my mouth water!!

I love stir fry and my wonderful husband who does such a good job cooking it.

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