

Memorial Day Weekend at the Beach

Trey had memorial day weekend off (AND MONDAY!), so we were able to head to the beach for a long weekend!! We went down Friday afternoon and had dinner with his family when we got there and just relaxed for the night.
Little man loving on Tyson after dinner Friday

Saturday morning we took the dogs to the beach for a walk and to let them run and play in the water, but it was really windy from the Tropical Storm out in the ocean. We took Tyson's frisbee on our walk to let him chase on the beach. Shortly after we got there Trey commented that Tyson would probably lose it in the ocean. Well... it did get lost in the ocean. But not because of Tyson! Trey threw the frisbee and the wind caught it, slamming it down into the water. Tyson and I both frantically ran it after it but it was gone!!! :( He wasn't too happy about that. But luckily they did get to have some fun with it before it disappeared. Tyson loves running in and out of the water and the waves don't seem to scare him! Vegas will run in a little bit but when the waves come she backs off.

Come get it sis!

You can't get me here!

Since it wasn't a good beach day, we went shopping! We had to go buy a new frisbee of course. Trey's mom got a new printer and wireless router that he installed that afternoon. The printer is pretty awesome, it is wireless and you can print straight from your phone! We will be buying one of these soon :)

Saturday night we watched the NCSU baseball playoff game and then headed out in downtown Morehead for drinks! Tyson enjoyed the baseball game:

Watching the game

Holding his frisbee and watching the game

On Sunday we did get to enjoy the beautiful beach weather. We laid on the beach for a while, then walked back to the house to get the dogs and let them come play on the beach for a bit!

Come on out here!

Chasing birds!

my loves

Tired girl after a long day of playing

Sunday night I went to dinner with a couple of friends at Circa 81, in Morehead, it was really good!

Monday was finally nice enough and not too windy so we were able to go out on the boat! Trey's parents have kept the boat down near their campsite, down east, so they stayed the night there Sunday and Monday morning they picked us up at a boat ramp in Beaufort. We went over to a little sandbar and had the island to ourselves... until the tide came in!

Checking out a clam shell

Chasing little crabs!

It's not easy to pick up a frisbee out of the water

Catching the frisbee

Then we headed over to Shack, even though it was pretty busy, and took a walk along the ocean side. It was a beautiful day but Trey and I were a little sunburnt from Sunday so we didn't last all that long. We came back to the boat to hang out and the dogs were pretty beat too.

Trey had been laying on this towel and when he got up Tyson stole it!

We headed back in the mid afternoon so that I could go out to dinner with some friends. The dogs were SO tired on the way home, they had a busy weeekend!
Passed out

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