


Friday night was Leesville's prom and Trey and I went to chaperone. It was held at Marble's Kids Musuem downtown. Marbles is a nice place to have something like prom or a wedding reception because you don't haev to decorate much! They already had some paper lanterns up because they were having a function the next night, so all that had to be done was to put out some centerpieces on the tables.

The theme was vintage circus, so for food they had mini hot dogs and hamburgers, popcorn, cotty candy and smores!


Some of the food

It was a long day because we had school that morning, then professional development in the afternoon then downtown standing on our feet all night. We had a good time and enjoyed seeing the students all dressed up and so excited to be at prom.

He loves to make crazy faces in our pictures
Trey and a couple of the other husbands left about an hour or so before it ended, they had their fill and went to Tir Na Nog to have a couple of drinks. After finally getting all of the kids out of there we were able to go join them but were so tired after a drink we were ready to head home. It was a fun night, and definitely worth the effort but I'm glad it's only once a year!

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