

Roomie Reunion in NYC

Mariah and I scheduled a trip to go to NYC to visit Allison (we all lived together for 3 years in college) and even though I hurt my knee the weekend before and couldn't bend it, I decided I would brave the city with a bum knee and still go! I called the airlines and got the "disability" seating on my flights and was able to board early. That may sound pathetic but you have no idea how difficult it is to sit in a chair when you can't bend your knee. And I walk slow, so boarding early helped. On the jetblue flight I was able to fit my leg under the seat in front of me, it wasn't the most comfortable thing, but luckily the flight wasn't much over an hour. 

Shortly after we got to Allison's apartment we decided to go get mani-pedis. It wasn't easy getting a pedicure without bending my foot but they made it work! 

Later Thursday night we went out on a happy hour cocktail cruise that took us down to the statue of liberty and back. We got very close to the statue and the sights were beautiful! 
How the cripple rides in the cab

Brooks, Me, Allison & Mariah on the cruise

Brooklyn & Manhattan bridges

There she is!

The tallest building is the freedom tower being built

Friday we took it kind of easy, did some walking around the city and did some shopping but couldn't do too much since I could only walk for so long. Poor Allison and Mariah had to carry our bags and wait for the slow poke :) 

Saturday we had brunch and mimosas at Blockhead, a Mexican restaurant, breakfast burritos! That night we went to dinner at Azuki a Japanese restaurant where, as long as you order $20 worth of food (you would basically do that anywhere you go in New York), you get free white wine. We each ordered plenty of food and got plenty of free wine out of it! After dinner, we went out to see a friend's band. Allison was jealous of my knee wound and decided to get one herself ;) Just kidding but she fell and it was a funny coincidence. 

Wine = sleepy

Sunday we went to an International Food Truck & Beer Festival at the South Street Seaport, it was pretty cool. We bought tickets off of Living Social that included food samples and drinks, we got a variety of food from the food trucks but didn't enjoy any of the beer... unlimited white wine the night before was not the best idea :/ It was still fun!
We got free sunglasses!


Burrito bowl

Looking up from South Street Seaport

Sunday afternoon we took the train upstate about an hour to Allison's uncle's house for a cookout, it's so interesting how different it is just an hour away! 

Monday morning our flight left at 6:30 in the morning so we had to get up early to head to the airport. We flew home on a Delta flight, and their "disability" seating was much more spacious. Seriously, I could barely reach my bag under the seat in front of me!

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