

Exploring Umpstead

On Saturday we went out to Umpstead to hike some and let the dogs run wild. We went in the main entrance (on 70) and went all the way to the back, to the Sycamore Creek Trail but we basically made our own course. We ended up hiking and walking along the creek. The dogs really enjoyed just roaming around back there, in and out of the creek as they please and playing with sticks. We only ended up doing about a mile and a half because Trey's foot got wet... We were crossing the creek and one of the rocks was pretty slippery so his foot landed in the water! And it was only about 50 degrees so we headed back to the car. We can't wait for the weather to get really nice and be able to go out there often! Here are so pictures from the adventure:

And a couple of videos:

Tired babies napping later that day:

Sleeping on my sis

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