

Want to go to Grandmas?

This question brings a lot of excitement at my house. Yes, I refer to my mom as grandma to my dogs :) And they LOVE IT. They love her and my dad (grandpa of course, or occasionally "pop") so much and know what grandma's is. They will come running in from outside and sit at the door waiting for me to take them. My parents are so awesome and they babysit the dogs 2 days a week. They go one morning and spend the night and hang out the next day until we get off of work... their weekly sleepover! They get to go on walks with grandma and run in and out of the house all day long (doggie door and fenced back yard!). Then they are loved on and snuggle in bed all night :) Tyson loves pretty much everyone, but I think grandpa is extra special to him. As soon as they get to their house he runs right up the stairs to find him (usually in bed since it's so early) and jumps up, giving him tons of kisses. Vegas loves to go find him too, but waits to make sure grandma is following her :)

I usually get adorable pictures of them being spoiled rotten but this series was one of my favorites:
He's mine, all mine!

Snuggling in grandpa's lap

Tired from playing tug of war

Rotten babies :)

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