

26-50 Fun Facts

Continued from yesterday...
26. The summer before Trey graduated he did another internship on a golf course, this time in Scottsdale, Arizona for about 3 months.

27. I went to visit him 3 times while he was out there. Arizona was beautiful. He lived in Phoenix along with 5 other guys doing the internship and they drove to work about 30 minutes away up on a mountain, where it was MUCH cooler.

28. One night when we were heading out in Phoenix it was over 100 degrees at 10 pm.

29. For my birthday we drove from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon. This was one of the most fun road trips ever.

30. One of the many things I love about our relationship is going on adventures, and other than the hotel we had for 2 nights at the Grand Canyon, we had nothing else planned - figuring it out as we went!

31. We stopped in Sedona to see the Red Rocks and hiked Red Rock State Park. It's gorgeous out there.

32. The Grand Canyon was amazing. We hiked down just over 3 miles and then back up. Coming back up was hell. But it was such an awesome experience.

33. I didn't enjoy basically living by myself while Trey was gone so Vegas and I stayed at my parents' most of the summer. This is when they fell madly in love with her :)

34. While Trey was gone I found an apartment for us to move into and moved before he got home :) He left the decision making up to me. Luckily my brother and his old "roommate" Greg helped move our stuff! This apartment was back to back with my old roommate Kristen, and down the road from my college roommates Mariah and Brenna, and Mariah's boyfriend Greg and his roommates lived in the complex also!

35. For Thanksgiving 2009 we used the flight vouchers (that we got in #15) to go to Las Vegas! I had been once with my family but it was so fun to go with Trey.

36. We played Rapid Roulette like it was going out of style. And got lots of free drinks while doing it!

37. In the winter of 2010 we started house hunting, looking in Cary (near where Trey was working) and North Raleigh

38. We went to Las Vegas (again!) in March 2010, for 311 day (March 11th), with my brother and some of his friends.

38. On April 23rd, 2010 we bought our first house together!

39. In May 2010 we went with my parents to the Southern 500 in Darlington, and stayed in the RV inside the track! This is becoming a tradition. Trey's parents go too and stay outside, so we get to hang out with them during the day!

40. Trey fell asleep on top of the RV during the race. My dad cleaned everything off the top and Trey woke up to the haulers gone, nothing/no one on the top of the RVs!

41. July 23rd, 2010 we went out to dinner at Kanki (where we went on our first "official" date) for my birthday. My birthday is the 25th but that was a Sunday and Trey was having to work long hours at work, so we celebrated early.

42. We came back to our (new to us, still!) house so Trey could give me my presents. He came to the couch with champange and no presents. As I am thinking what in the world, I thought I was getting my presents he got down on one knee!

43. I did get my present... a big, huge beautiful ring, and a fiance! The perfect proposal - at our new house, just us and Vegas :)

44. Vegas was super excited to get in on the celebrating.

45. Trey had "gone to get my present" earlier that day, aka go ask my dad's permission.

46. Before going to ask my dad's permission he called the house to talk to him, getting my mom VERY curious. I'm pretty sure she was able to weasle the information out of my dad, because that night when I called my mom to tell her the news she was about to burst at the seams and conviently out shopping nearby and wanted to stop by. They came by to celebrate with us and she just so happened to already have "W" napkins and coasters for us. 

47. I used our underwater camera to take pictures with some of my best girlfriends at the pool the next day. My hubby was so thoughtful, part of the reason for celebrating/getting my "birthday present" early was that Allison was coming in to town (from NYC) and we were all going to the pool the next day, so I could celebrate with them!

48. We were already having a housewarming party the next weekend, so we also used it to celebrate our engagement!

49. My aunt invited my mom and I to come up to Philadelphia and she would take us wedding dress shopping! I have always gone up to visit my aunt and uncle & go shopping with her, she is a great shopping partner and deal finder.

50. About 2 hours in to the search I found the dress!! So we were able to spend the rest of the weekend looking for my moms dress - a success also!

More tomorrow! 51-75

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