

Anniversary Photo Album

I saw this idea somewhere online when I was coming up with Trey's present and decided to give it a try... we will see if it lasts! I bought a photo album to put a picture of us in each year on our anniversary and to see how it changes over the years. 

I have pictures of us from before we were married so I decided to add them to it too. I used picasa to write the location and date on them and have printed them all out and added them to the photo album! 

2008: This was taken on our trip to the British Virgin Islands, my senior year of college.

2009: This was taken  at the NCAA tournament (Trey's birthday gift) in March.

2010: Don't mind my hair that was flying in the wind, this was taken April 15, 2010 at his cousin, Jonathan & Riley Weeks' wedding - exactly 1 year before ours!

Anniversary "year 0" - our wedding:

The goal is to have them all around our anniversary. This year I didn't get one of us together on our anniversary, even though we were all dressed up and pretty, I should have had the waitress take our picture. We did take a pretty good picture when we were in Disney World, about a week before our anniversary.

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