

Best Firkin Beer Festival in Asheville

Since prom was Friday night, we got up Saturday morning and drove to Asheville. My parents and grandma were already up there, heading to the Biltmore. We took the dogs to the RV, had lunch and let them play for a while before leaving them in the RV while we went to the Best Firkin Beer Festival at Highland Brewing Company. It was out in a field next to the brewery, a bunch of different (mostly local) breweries came out and set up tents along with a few food vendors and the Brother Wolf Animal Rescue group, that this was a benefit for.

Firkin is another word for cask, so most of the beer here was casked and barrel aged beer (not a normal keg) but they also had kegged beer.

The only beer fest I have been to before was Beer Fest in downtown Raleigh, that is much bigger than this and you don't really have time to sit down, so we didn't think to bring chairs but as we got there we saw people in line with their lawn chairs. We got in and realized that we would definitely want our chairs to sit around in for a while, so we went back to the RV quickly (it was only 10 minutes away!) and came back with chairs this time!

Tents all around the side of the field

We put our chairs in the middle of the field area, got a beer and sat to watch the band that was playing during the festival. It was a very unique, old time band, some of their instruments were a saw and a washboard! We hung out, enjoyed the nice weather and as we ran out of beer we would get up to get more, trying a new one each time.
The band - Blind Boy Chocolate and the Milk Sheiks

My mug for the day!

Trey checking in to a beer on his Untappd app

Mom, Dad and Nana came to pick us up when they were done exploring the Biltmore. We went back to the RV to feed the dogs dinner and decided that for dinner for ourselves we would go out to eat downtown. We brought the dogs, because Asheville is awesome and very dog friendly, to Asheville Pizza and Brewing Comapny. Tyson was a little weird at first, he didn't quite know what to think, as he has never gone to a restaurant before. Vegas, however, loved it right away. They both made friends with the people around us, begged for food and got lots of kisses. We had their Biltmore Pizza - it was basically pizza with every topping imaginable.. it was pretty good! And of course enjoyed the beer that they brew right there.
So happy.... wagging tail!

Checking things out, safely, from under the table
By the time we got home Saturday night mom and I could barely get the bed made before Trey was asleep! It had been a long day! And luckily we didn't have any bed hogs to share with... they slept with their grandma and grandpa (as usual!)

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