

July Date Night

(Yes, I'm aware I haven't posted about the June date night.... it actually hasn't happened yet :( Trey works about 60 hours a week in the summer and only has 2 weekends off a month and with this 100+ weather we haven't had time to go do the June date night... it will happen soon though!)

Last week we opened the July date night envelope to find this

We had a little at home date night, put the phone games away and enjoyed a night focused on each other.

It was not exactly the healthiest date night, but having to do the dishes ruins the fun of date night, and besides he worked outside in the heat, sweating all day and I ran 3 miles earlier that day! We ordered a pizza :)
And while we ate we completed this game about each other. It's a book called "Do you know your husband/wife" and you answer 100 questions (some have answer blanks some are basically multiple choice) about the other person, then go over the answers and "score" yourselves. It was definitely time consuming but fun. 

We answered all of the questions, then decided that to score them we would read the questions outloud and see what the other person would answer. That was the fun part, we went through all of the questions and most of them we did a pretty good job on. Some of the questions were a little old school or didn't exactly apply to us (would you rather wash to dry dishes..... um I'll let me dishwasher do both, thanks). One of Trey's questions was what is her favorite flower (bonus points if you get the color right).... well I'm not exactly a flower person. Actually I don't give a crap about flowers. When I met with our florist to come up with ideas for our wedding flowers, he showed me the flowers that our bridesmaids carried, which I loved. 
The red one in the center

So Trey wrote that down. That is about the only flower that I can actually think of that I like, so of course that was my answer. Well I couldn't actually tell you the scientific name of that flower. When we were at the florist, he told me what it is called sometimes, and that is the version that I remember :) Trey was pretty proud of himself for getting this question right, and the bonus points!
Yep, that says penis on a platter :)
After we enjoyed our game we scooped ourselves some ice cream and watched a movie, 21 jump street, it was pretty funny and we really enjoyed it! It was a cheap, fun date night at home :)

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