

Adventure Walks

Lately we have been taking the dogs on runs on nice days and found an area in the back of our neighborhood that is pretty heavily wooded and desolate, perfect to let them run off of their leashes! We run a couple of miles around the neighborhood then come to this area to let them run.

 The open area runs next to a creek that they love to jump in and out of. Vegas loves the water and has passed her passion on to Tyson. They love to run ahead of us and run around like maniacs then turn back and run back to us, just going constantly back and forth. They get quite a workout! Vegas loves to tear up trees and sticks, so walking through the woods is awesome to her. Tyson has actually become a leader on most of their adventures, probably because he is faster and has a ridiculous amount of energy but it is too cute, he will turn around sometimes like "come on sis!" We are usually cracking up the whole time at their wild antics. 

Playing in the creek

She found a stick

Daddy, I need to kill this tree!!

Here is a video of them playing!

This weekend we went to Umpstead and hiked some trails there, I will blog about that tomorrow!

We also went to a nearby neighborhood and followed some of their trails through the woods. I'll post about that later this week! 

We are really enjoying finding fun places for them to explore.

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