

Sweet Gifts :)

We celebrated our anniversary weekend with both sets of our parents, at a truck race in Rockingham! I will post all about that tomorrow. Trey's parents brought us an anniversary gift to the race. They got us a Shark Vac then Steam!! I am so excited to go home and clean the house today! His mom always ends up cleaning when she comes to town and I am always complaining that I hate attempting to clean our floors (we only have carpet on the stairs of our house) so they bought us this awesome vacuum/steamer!

Our gift from my parents was our awesome Disney vacation, quite a celebration! But on our actual anniversary my mom dropped by a sweet balloon and a gift bag of a couple of cute little things she found. This magnet:

It's for your car but I put it on our fridge :)

And an NCSU wedding couple, to go on our shelving in the living room.

We are so lucky to have such supportive, loving families.

Trey had to work until dark last night, and it gets dark late these days, so we weren't able to celebrate our anniversary last night. I actually picked up Hibachi -- I LOVE hibachi, didn't have to cook or really clean! -- and I ate mine before he even got home, I couldn't wait that late.

My night - hibachi & grad school work

He got home, ate dinner and we hung out for a while but we will be actually celebrating, exchanging gifts and going out to dinner (hopefully) on Wednesday of this week, if all goes according to plan!

Can't believe it has been a year, already!

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