

Our 1st Anniversary!

One year ago today tornadoes swept through the area and but that wasn't the biggest event of the day for me. The show went on (powerless), thanks to a boom box, awesome staff,  amazing guests and finally the sun shining! It was, without a doubt, the best day of my life. I loved every moment of our wedding and the amazing reception, celebrating with our wonderful friends and family. I can't believe it has already been a year. Want to reminisce? Here's the story: Preparations, the ceremony, Reception Part 1, Reception Part 2.

Being blown away by the tornado ;)

He is my best friend and I am more in love with him than I ever thought possible. This past year has been amazing and I'm so looking forward to all the years to come with Trey by my side.

We will be celebrating later this week, so I'll post about it after! I also bought a photo album that I put our wedding picture in and we will take a picture tonight, and continue to add a picture of us at each anniversary to, I think it will be fun to look back on one day!

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