

My Birthday Celebration!

I had a wonderful birthday, celebrating with many of my favorite things. My phone literally buzzed all day with texts, emails and facebook posts saying happy birthday! Here's one of my favorites:

In the morning I picked up my two favorite kiddos and we went to brunch at Ihop then see the movie/documentary Chimpanzee. It was sad in the middle but of course came to a happy end. They made me this sweet birthday card:

Then I came home planning to either do an insanity workout or work on my grad school project that's due tomorrow... well we had no power!! It had just gone out before I got home (around 2:45) and stayed off until about 5:30. Mother nature decided that I wasn't going to do any hard work on my birthday... just relax! So I caught up on some games on my phone and snuggled on the couch with my girl. 

Then the UPS man came by! Luckily since we didn't have power the doorbell couldn't ring to get the dogs all wound up :) But on the porch I found my gift from my wonderful hubby, a GiGi crossbody purse! I love it! I really want the wallet now too, guess I'll need another reason to make a purchase :)

That night, 311 just happened to be coming to town ON my birthday! Chad bought us tickets as my birthday present and so went out to celebrate :) We had pit tickets, right below the stage! 311 concerts are so much fun, everyone is friendly, having a great time and all dancing with the music. It was really cool to be so close to the stage. Slightly Stoopid opened for them and the singer at one point came out and walked on the little barrier holding the pit back from the stage, right in front of us! It was such a fun night! 

Getting drinks between the bands.... $22!


Loved his red guitar, but couldn't do it justice in a picture!

It was such a pleasant day of celebrating my birthday and I get to continue tonight with some good friends for dinner and this weekend my mom's family is coming to town (not for my birthday, but good timing!!).

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