

Relaxing Weekend at the Beach

Last weekend Trey was able to get Friday off and we got to have a 3 day weekend at the beach! We didn't do a whole lot, but it was so wonderful to have 3 full days to rest, hang out with his parents and get some sun. We grilled burgers one night and steaks and scallops the next! We also celebrated Vegas's 8th birthday! I finished one book and started another :) It was such a wonderful weekend. We came back feeling so rejuvenated! If only we could do that once a month. Here's some pictures of our weekend:
On the way

Kisses from little man

Birthday girl relaxing

Celebrating her birthday!

Soccer time!

My ball!

Soccer is tiring

Basically what we did the whole weekend

Time to go swimming!!

He swam all the way back to his daddy

We told Tyson it was time to go to bed, this was where he chose to go

Tired babies on the drive home

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