

Projects Complete!

I posted here about doing a couple of projects at home that I found on pinterest. I have completed two of them! 

Here is my process of painting letters on the left over fabric:
I used card stock to create a C paint stencil


First attempt - oops a little outside of the lines

Finally, a good C
The W
All 3 letters painted!
In the frames, ready to be hung!
And the final product:

We hung them above the TV in our bedroom

I was trying hard to get a picture without the light in the room glaring back at me

I took the concept of repurposing maps by cutting them in to hearts and putting into a frame. I created 4 hearts - where we met, where we got married, where we went on our honeymoon and where we live now :)

Here it is hanging on the wall:

Hanging on the wall opposite the gallery wall

I'm going to work on covering the box springs in fabric this weekend.

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