

Anniversary Gifts

I thought I would share what I made for Trey for our first anniversary. I came up with the idea from a few different blogs that I have seen.

We rarely go on "dates" these days and even more rarely do I make the decision of what to do/where to go eat, so I thought I would take on BOTH of those for a YEAR in my gift :) I made a year's worth of dates for the two of us.

I got big manila envelopes and put a letter in each explaining the date, some more detailed than others, along with gift cards, games, etc -- whatever we may need for that date.

I made one for each month - we will open the envelope at the beginning of the month and schedule in the date. Some of them are daytime, some night time, some are going out (gift cards already included) and some are staying home doing things on a cheaper scale.

We didn't open our gifts until after dinner, so the April one wasn't quite as exciting as if we had opened them before, but he did like the gift and is excited to open May's in just over a week!

 I included a gift card, that I actually recieved from a student a couple of months back, that paid for a portion of it, but we splurged and treated ourselves!

I will post about each month's surprise after our dates, they are still a secret until he opens each envelope!

Trey gave me the sweetest card with sock monkeys on it! (We love sock monkeys)

Inside were tickets to Cirque de Soleil in August, when it comes to the PNC Center! We have been talking about wanting to go to a show again (we saw one in Vegas a few years back) and he surprised me with these tickets, I had no idea it was even coming to Raleigh! Can't wait for a fun evening out.


  1. What a great idea! Are you doing the traditional anniversary gifts? We still haven't done our second anniversary And I have NO idea what we're going to do for our third seeing as though he'll be in one of my least favorite countries. P.S. I love stalking your blog!

  2. Well this year was traditional but I don't know if we will stick with that... at least it would give me an idea of what to do. It is so hard to "shop" for Trey... which is why I basically didn't this year. Maybe in the future we will just take anniversary trips :)
