

A Wonderful Anniversary Celebration

We were finally able to celebrate our anniversary Wednesday night! We had dinner at the Angus Barn! Trey had never been there before and we have been wanting to go for a couple of years, so we decided our anniversary would be a perfect excuse to splurge!

It was delicious. We started with ribs for an appetizer, Trey's boss told him that they were the best thing they make, so we had to try them. He was right, and they fall right off the bone! 

I ordered the ribeye with mashed potatoes and Trey got the filet with stuffed potatoes. Both were great cuts of meat and cooked well. I must say though, that I think Trey cooks a better ribeye :) After crackers and cheese, salads and our meals we were getting pretty full so we were able to take half of our meal home -- I know what dinner will be tonight!

My dinner

Trey's dinner

Since we were celebrating our anniversary, they brought us out a free cake! We put that in a box to go, but it did smell good!

Our wedding cake was made by Swank Cake, who tells you not to save the top of your cake, because they make you an anniversary cake! I remembered to email them at the last minute and although they normally prefer a 2 week notice, to fit it in their schedule, they had it ready in a few days. I went to pick it up yesterday afternoon and was so excited to find this:

After we got home we continued the celebration. We exchanged gifts, which I will post all about tomorrow and enjoyed our anniversary cake and drinks. I loved drinking out of our beautiful champange flutes that my aunt and uncle gave us for our wedding! I need to find more reasons to use them throughout the year.

Our delicious red velvet dessert!

Attempting a self picture
It was really a great night celebrating our amazing first year of marriage. We talked about how lucky we are and how happy we have been together. I can honestly say that over the last year I can't recall a time period that I was not happy, there may be little things here and there in life that are frustrating or trying, but coming home to my amazing husband makes it all better. We are each other's rocks. I have the best partner in life anyone could ask for.

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