

Disney Days 6-7

Wednesday & Thursday:

Wednesday morning we got up and celebrated Easter, since we would be driving back all day on Easter Sunday. The easter bunny delivered us lots of candy, a snuggie type blanket, a scentsy candle and some toys for the dogs. We also had our annual easter egg hunt but this year we put out eggs for the dogs. We put treats in them and had them search for them (in open, obvious places). They were very excited! In the dog toy bundle was a water gun, so Trey had fun squirting the dogs. Tyson didn't hate it or love it, Vegas however did NOT like it... she hid from it.

The easter bunny came!

Can I have my basket now?!

Tired from egg hunting

Why did daddy squirt me with that water gun?!

We love the golf cart!!

For lunch on Wednesday we went over to the Boardwalk area and ate at the Big River Grille & Brewery - the only actual microbrewery on Disney property. The food was nothing spectacular but we wanted to try out their microbrews!

After lunch we headed to Downtown Disney to do some shopping and then stopped by the outlets on our way back.

Later that night we took the boat over to the Contemporary resort to shop there, play in the arcade and watch the electric water paegent and fireworks from their waterfront.
The Contemporary lit up at night

Electric Water Paegent

Thursday we went back into Epcot! It opened at 9:00 and we were walking up at 9:10! We are setting new records this week!! We went immediately back to Soarin' in the Land to get fast passes. By the time we got back there the wait was already listed at 50 minutes!! And our fast pass return was for 11:30. It is so crazy how many people run straight back there, everyone loves that ride and it is one that is for all ages, so it is pretty popular.

50 minute wait, already!

We rode a few rides, went through the living seas to look at the aquariums and enjoyed drinking our way around the World Showcase again!

Mickey ears formed by rocks in the aquarium

Well hello, giant sea turtle!

There was a diver in there feeding the fish

World Showcase
 We had reservations at Teppan Edo (it's like Kanki, in Raleigh) in the Japan Pavilion. It was the BEST meal we had all week. I love Japanese food, and this was great! We had a Japanese beer and watched our server cook in front of us!

The Japan Pavilion

Minnie Mouse of onions

After lunch we headed back home to check on the dogs and go play at the dog park! They both LOVED the dog park. If we took a walk in that direction as we got close Tyson was dying to go over there, he just couldn't get enough. We typically took them twice a day - in the morning before we left to tire them out playing ball and in the evening to tire them out chasing the laser light! I think they both enjoyed the trip, except that Vegas did not enjoy hearing the fireworks every night:

Are they over yet?

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