

Disney Days 8-10

Friday, Saturday & the drive home Sunday:

Another early arrival!! Friday morning we went to Hollywood Studios for the early magic hours (from 7-8 resort guests could get in and then at 8:00 everyone could come in). We got there by 7:30 and got a fastpass for the Toy Story ride (by that time the fast pass was for 9:30!) and got in line for Rockin Roller Coaster. The line wasn't too bad - about 15 minutes. Trey and I did the new Star Tours ride (a 3d simulator, mom and dad don't enjoy those). It was pretty good, but nothing I would very long for. Then while we waited to be able to do Toy Story we walked through the backstory of Walt Disney, his life, company and how Disney World came to be. It's funny how my interests have changed over time to enjoying Epcot (used to be my least favorite!), enjoying a flower festival, and wanting to read the backstory on all of these things, not just ride rides! Then we rode Toy Story and were out of the park by 9:30! It's amazing how much you can get done when you get there early.

We went back and had breakfast at the Trails End (restaurant in the campground) buffett. It is something that we do basically every time we go!

Can I go to breakfast, too?

The doggies love the golf cart
We kind of lounged around during the day, played with the dogs and explored over to the Wilderness Lodge. We took the boat over, walked around and enjoyed a beer and took a "wilderness" walk back!

Tired after playing in the dog park

A geiser that goes off at the Wilderness Lodge

That afternoon was gorgeous and Trey and I headed to the pool to get some sun! The "main" pool was SO crowded and full of kids, there weren't any open seats! We didn't stick around there long but went looking for the other pool, it is off in the cabin loop and a well kept secret -- there were probably only 10 or so people when we got there, it's much smaller but quiet and nice. We stayed there for a couple of hours and I got a few tan lines!

Friday night we went in to Magic Kingdom for their late night Extra Magic Hours. We got into the park around 11:30 and stayed until about 2:00! We rode a lot of rides, and there were very few young children!

Riding the tea cups!

We were able to ride Winnie the Pooh with a MUCH shorter line than during the day

We only waited about 20 minutes for Space Mountain instead of 80-120 during the day!

Saturday we slept in a little, since we were out so late the night before but got up and made it to Magic Kingdom by 11:30, we had reservations at the Crystal Palace (a buffet with character - the characters come around to your table during your meal!) at 11:40. When we got in to the park Trey and I went to grab fast passes for Splash Mountain while mom and dad strolled to check in for lunch. Here are some pictures of us with the characters during lunch:

Some more pictures of our day:

Wet after riding splash mountain!

Being wet felt good in the warm sun!

                                                       Riding the people mover!

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (view from Tom Sawyer's Island)

Thunder mountain was closed for renovations, so we could see people working over there

"Shooting" the gun in Tom's Rifle Roost

Later that afternoon, we got ice cream at the ice cream parlor on main street and watched the parade as it came down the street. We used to do this with my nana and pop every time we were in Disney :)

As we headed out we walked to the Contemporary, instead of riding the monorail or taking the boat home, so that we could walk along all of the bricks on the walkway and find Nana and Pop's brick. We got them a brick for their 50th anniversary (back in 1995!). They no longer "sell" the bricks along the walkway, although there is an empty one right next to them, that mom and dad would love to have. We can never remember where exactly it is, so this time I took a picture of the monorail beam that it is closest to. We took the monorail from the Contemporary to the Grand Floridian (we love to go hotel hopping and check out the decorations, etc). They had a live band playing and big decorated easter eggs on display (at Christmas they have a huge tree in the lobby and a huge gingerbread house). We also saw a bride and her bridesmaid's getting their pre-wedding pictures taken! How exciting.

Nana & Pops brick!

Near monorail post 62! Maybe now I won't forget

Easter eggs in Grand Floridian

Live band in the Grand Floridian

A Disney bride!

Grand Floridian

We spent our last night on vacation at Epcot. We went in around 8:15 to grab a beer in Canada (to finish up our "world tour" of beers) and watch their nighttime fireworks show - Illuminations. It is such a great show, the fireworks in Disney are way better than any fireworks I have ever seen elsewhere. All of the shows are about 15 minutes long and choreographed to music, pretty awesome!

Sunday we pulled out of the campground around 8am for our drive home. We stopped a few times to let the dogs go to the bathroom and to get fireworks at South of the Border! We finally made it home around 8:15 that night! Not too bad, considering we were driving a motorhome and stopped multiple times.

Ready to go!

Looking for grandpa

Hood ornaments on the drive

Cuddling with daddy

It was so wonderful to spend over a full week on vacation and not have a worry in the world! Now back to work for 7 full weeks - no holidays, workdays or anything! Only 33 school days until exams!

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