Watch out for Copperheads!

A couple of weeks ago Tyson got bit by a copperhead :(

My parents had taken Tyson and Vegas out for a walk around dusk and since it was hard to see, didn't see a baby copperhead in the middle of the road in their neighborhood. Tyson just walked right over it but since it was a baby it was scared and bit him on the toe. Babies also inject more venom than adults because they don't know how to control it. So after heading home and realizing that it was rapidly swelling they headed to the emergency vet and we met them there. 

They gave him an IV for pain meds and light sedation, kept an eye on it and ran some bloodwork. Basically they wanted to check that his blood was clotting properly and functioning normally, and luckily it was. Anti-venom is actually very expensive (like $600 a dose) and since they felt that he was dealing with it well (and it wasn't on his face or chest, close to the heart, easy access to the bloodstream) he didn't need it. So after a few hours there, we were sent home with some more pain meds as he needed and our sweet, loopy boy.

His foot was swollen halfway up his leg but by the next morning he didn't even know he was hurt! We were very lucky that he has healed well and only got bit on his toe. Apparently dogs are very resilient and can heal pretty well. 
 Swollen foot

 Comparison... can't see any bones in front one bc of the swelling!

my poor boy

I'm glad we went to the vet and now understand more about snake bites and what to do for them. Veterinary Specialty Hospital has been great to us over the years and were that night also. So watch out for Coppperheads... who knew one would just jump up and bite you in the road! 

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